

Choose our ReasonKeep improving, service integrity, continuous improvement, sustainable operation

OurProductKeep improving, service integrity, continuous improvement, sustainable operation

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OurAdvantagePursue excellent quality and create a national brand

  1. 01Excellent R&D team
  2. 02Strong R&D strength
  3. 03Keep improving manufacturing m
  4. 04Professional customized servic
  5. 05Service purposes

Product AreaProducts are used all over the world and applied in more than 20 industry fields

AboutJiaheng OptoelectronicsKeep improving, service integrity, continuous improvement, sustainable operation

"Jiaheng Optoelectronics" is a leading service provider of artificial intelligence equipment and artificial intelligence solutions in China. The company integrates R&D, production, sales and service into one, providing a complete set of machine vision solutions, machine vision software development kits, and machine vision light sources. , Industrial cameras, lenses, image processors, smart cameras, etc., to provide professional first-class artificial intelligence equipment and comprehensive artificial intelligence solutions.
Shenzhen Jiaheng Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.


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